Tag Archives: Tips/training

Riding motorcycles makes you happy

Riding a motorcycle not makes you so happy some women can even orgasm while riding.

With the Black Dog 1 Dayer rides for depression awareness on 15 March 2020 and International Day of Happiness on 20 March, psychologist and reborn rider Sharon Ledger suggests going for a ride to feel happy.

She says it’s all got to do with chemicals in the brain.

“There are more than 10,000 chemical reactions going on in the brain every second,” she says.

“The chemicals that make you feel happy – oxytocin, dopamine, endorphin and serotonin – are produced by the endocrine system.

“Not all of these chemicals are released at the same time and each has a different outcome.

“However, more of these chemicals are produced when we look forward to doing something we enjoy, we get up early, we go outside in the sunshine and fresh air, we challenge ourselves, we meditate, we concentrate on an activity that requires skill and generally do things that motivate us.

“That pretty much sounds like motorcycling to me,” she says.

Sharon Ledger - divorce - born - happySharon Ledger

Happy signals

“So when you get up early anticipating a good ride, already dopamine is starting to send happy signals to the brain.”

Different combinations of the chemicals come into play as you ride, she says.

“Add a bit of adrenalin and it’s like a happy cocktail for the brain.”

Sharon says an increase in serotonin can also reduce depression.

“You can increase your serotonin levels with fresh air, mild exercise and even morning sunlight, all of which you get on a ride.

“It won’t cure depression, but will help people cope.”

Riding can not only make men and women happy, but also make women feel sexy.

Sex on wheels

- powerHarley-Davidson Forty-Eight - power - happySex on wheels?

American dating service, BikerKiss, says Harleys, in particular, can even give women an orgasm!

The Southern California online dating service asked about 3000 members (1900 men and 1100 women) “is Harley your favourite motorcycle brand” and 31% of women said yes, compared with 19% men.

The most common answer to the question was that Harley motorcycles are “gorgeous and expensive”. One dating club member said: ”I love it when I am on a Harley. It gives you all the attention you want.” Another said: “it’s not about being pretentious or anything, or like I’m doing it out of vanity. I just love it deep down.”

But here’s the thing that Harley-Davidson and makers of big-twin motorcycles will love the most: some women are able to orgasm while riding a bike with a big twin-cylinder engine because of the bike and seat vibrations.

Could you be any happier?

Black Dog Ride 1 DayerSunshine Coast Black Dog Ride 1 Dayer

The annual Black Dog Ride’s iconic annual 1 Dayer on 15 March aims to start a national conversation about depression and suicide prevention.

Click here to register for one of the 38 rides in all states and territories.

Black Dog Ride claim one in five Australians experience a mental health condition each year; three million Australians live with depression or anxiety and eight Australians take their lives each day.

The ride aims to build a community culture of awareness, inclusion, acceptance and breaking down the barrier of silence around mental illness.

If you are experiencing mental issues, we suggest going for a ride, joining the Black Dog Ride 1 Dayer, or calling Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, or Lifeline Australia on 131114.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

What motorcycle suits women best?

I’ve read several articles that advise what motorcycle suits women best, but they all reach different conclusions.

Really, the best bike for a woman is … every bike!

Women come in different shapes and sizes with different interests in racing, adventuring, off-roading, commuting, cruising, etc.

So why should women be restricted to one type or model of bike? 

Several motorcycle brands have tried to make bikes suit female riders, which is an admirable sentiment.

Harley-Davidson has been addressing perceived issues such as seat height, bar grip diameter and weight.

And BMW Motorrad embarrassingly built the lightweight, low-powered, low-seat F 650 Scarver which came in “feminine” colours such as “gold orange” and “azure blue”.

BMW Scarver suits women?BMW Scarver in azure blue

It also had a “tank” compartment where women could put their purse!

It was a dismal failure and was deleted from the line-up.

Suits yourself

Seat height is one issue that women actually bring up themselves. But then, so do many men.

Having a low seat height is not necessarily a women-only issue.

In fact, the two biggest motorcycle markets in the world, China and India, have very short average heights.

China is 1694mm (5′ 6.7″) for males and 1586mm (5′ 2.5″) for females, while Indians are 1653mm (5′ 5″) for males and 1653mm (5′ 5″) for females.

It’s not as big an issue in Australia where the average height of an adult male is 1784mm (5’10.2″) and women are 1639mm (5’4.5″). American men are slight shorter (1782mms) and women are slightly taller (1641mm (5′ 4.6″).

Besides, there are several methods of riding a tall motorcycle safely and for picking up a heavy motorcycle if you happen to drop it.

What annoys women more is not necessarily a seat height that suits their stature, but the fact that low-seat options often cost extra.


Shouldn’t they be the choice of the rider at purchase and therefore part of the bike price?

It’s this sort of attitude, plus the very fact that manufacturers think women need special bikes that is probably preventing them from accessing potentially 50% of the market.

And with only 12% of Aussie riders being female and about 20% in the USA, they are missing out on a huge potential growth area.

For women, as for men, we recommend simply picking a bike that suits you and sets your heart racing!

Happy International Women’s Day next Sunday (8 March 2020) to all our female riders.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

World’s most Instagrammed road trips

Australia’s Great Ocean Road is the second-most Instagrammed road trip in the world behind the famous Route 66, according to new UK research.

Click4reg.co.uk collected 15 of the best-known roads and journeys around the world and analysed the number of hashtags for each road trip with #name and #name + road trip.

Route 66 and the GOR were the only road trips to have over a million tags.

Instagrammed road trips

Road Trip



Route 66



Great Ocean Road



Pacific Coast Highway



Valley of Fire



Ring Road



Ruta 40



North Coast 500






Cabot Trail



Death Road



Causeway Coastal Route

Northern Ireland


Romantic Road



Route 62

South Africa


Atlantic Road



Snake Pass



While these may be the most Instagrammed road trips, they are not necessarily the best motorcycle road trips.

For example, Route 66 really no longer exists and where it does it’s in disrepair. It is also largely flat and straight as it was designed so cars could travel from Chicago to LA without having to go over the Rocky Mountains.

While the Great Ocean Road is a wonderfully twisty road with spectacular ocean scenery, it has largely been ruined by reduced speed limits and heavy police patrols.

And then there are the international tourists who dawdle, drive on the wrong side of the road and stop in dangerous places to take photos.

Big Sur Harley-Davidson touring USA America california rules dead-end route InstagrammedBig Sur

I would prefer the Pacific Coast Highway or “Big Sur” from LA to San Francisco with its similarly spectacular views, smelly sea lions on the beach, smooth road surface, wide pavement for easy overtaking, twisty and challenging contour and light police presence – at least I’ve never seen a cop on that road in the three times I’ve done it.

Europe has been revealed as the continent with the most Instagrammable road trips, claiming seven of the top 15 within the list.

England’s Snake Pass was the lowest tagged road trip with just 12,343 hashtags.

Of course there are many other great road trip routes that could have been included, but may not be Instagrammable.

Hear the Road Tours Stelvio Pass InstagrammedStelvio Pass

For example, the Stelvio Pass from Italy to Switzerland is our favourite road of all. But stopping to take photos for Instagram is a bit difficult because it is so narrow.

What is your most Instagrammed route? Leave your comments below.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Will coronavirus affect your ride tour?

If you’ve booked an overseas motorcycle tour this year and are thinking of cancelling due to the threat of coronavirus, will your deposit or full tour fee be refunded?

A lot of adventure motorcycle travel is in countries that may not have high levels of hygiene and quarantine procedures to cope with a pandemic.

So we can understand the concern about coronavirus.

However, the media hype needs to be fully studied before making any decisions about cancelling tours as you may end up out of pocket.

Terms and conditionscoronavirus

Most touring companies have terms and conditions that include cancellations, so start by reading that.

It may say that there is a no-refund policy or a part-refund policy and it will usually be restricted to a certain period before the tour starts.

This is because the tour company pays for various things such as accommodation, transfers, etc, a few weeks before the tour starts.

Even then, you may not get the full discount with companies withholding some money for administration costs.

If you decide it’s too risky and still want to cancel, contact your tour company for a friendly chat.

Tour companies want your repeat business. Keeping your deposit in such a situation may not be in their best interests.

So they may suggest you switch to another tour or postpone your tour for a year.

Some may even consider special requests for compassionate reasons, or offer a discount on another tour.

You may also be able to talk a braver friend into taking your spot on the tour.

If the coronavirus threat is real and a government advisory is issued, the travel company may also cancel the tour in which case they should offer a full refund or propose switching tours or dates.

Travel insurance

Most travel companies will require participants to have travel insurance and will need to see evidence before you throw your leg over a bike.

But not all travel insurance is the same. Check out our article here about what is covered for riding and what isn’t. You might be surprised.

Your travel insurance may cover you for cancellation for various reasons, so check the terms and conditions.

If you have booked and secured travel insurance, then the government issues a “Do not Travel” advisory, you should be covered by your policy.

Travel companies

We contacted several travel companies to find out what their policy was.

An Extreme Bike Tours spokeswoman says some of their customers have raised a few concerns and asked about the situation with upcoming tours.

She says last year’s Sir Lanka bombing was a similar situation.Sri Lanka Royal Enfield Classic 350 even tours turban

“This affected all the tourism in the country as well as some of our tours. Luckily, nothing else has happened and Sri Lanka has returned to its normal island life in a very short period,” she says.

“This time we cannot yet say what’s going to happen but we are optimistic and all the 2020/2021 scheduled tours are confirmed.

“These kind of events are unpredictable but if we take a look at the recent global history, there has been precedents that were contained (SARS, MERS, etc).”

Click here to read their full and fair cancellation policy.

Craig Jackson of Compass Expeditions says the industry is in “uncharted waters at the moment” with the coronavirus threat.

Compass Expeditions tours screened on TVCompass Expeditions

He says their terms state that any cancellation within 90 days is non-refundable.

“This isn’t because we simply want to take the money and run but it’s because huge amounts have already been spent pre tour to secure the hotels, buy staff airline tickets and secure the support vehicles and bikes,” he says.

“We certainly don’t get a refund from any cancellations we make.”

If a customer cancels their booking up until 90 days before departure they will receive a refund of all payments less a $200 cancellation fee.

Nomadic Kinghts invites daredevil riders to join their first tour of the Cliffhanger track in the Himalayas (Photo by Iain Crockart)Nomadic Knights Managing Director Alex Pirie says he is very flexible and would consider several options: Offer a full refund; postpone the ride until it’s safe to go and carry the money over; offer a ride in a different part of the world; keep the payment as credit for a later date.

For a limited time, they are offering a $US500 discount on their two-week “Rode to Everest” from Kathmandu, Nepal, on 9 May 2021 if booked by 31 March 2020, using the code EVEREST500.

Denise Ferris of World on Wheels says it is not an issue because they haven’t received any cancellations, not even from people going to Nepal/Bhutan next week with her husband, Mike.“But this is precisely why we insist people take out comprehensive travel insurance, so that they’re covered,” she says.

“If the destination country is declared a high-risk area by our government, the clients would then have a bona fide reason to cancel, and lodge an insurance claim for reimbursement.”

Ferris Wheels travel insuranceMike and Denise Ferris

Coronavirus media hype

Craig of Compass Expeditions points out that the media hype does not match reality.

For example, their African trip is some 8500km from the only case of coronavirus in the entire African continent.

“In most countries outside of China it is business as usual in regards to the impact of Caronavirus on our tours,” he says.

“The one exception is our latest major expedition, the 100-day Asian Overland Expedition that departed from Singapore last week and will be heading through Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and hopefully into China and Tibet.

“The group are in Malaysia’s Cameron Highlands at the moment and contrary to the media’s reporting South East Asia has not been devastated by the virus.

Compass ExpeditionsCompass Expeditions

“The issues will hit once we arrive at the Chinese border around the end of March. It is possible that the border with Laos, which we intend to cross will be closed or that the Australian Government will still be warning against travel in China, which is certainly possible.

“At that stage, if either of those things happen we will have to instigate a ‘Plan B’ which includes returning to Bangkok via Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. 

“So at this stage we have two massive tours planned and payed for and only one will be used. The original 100 day itinerary has taken over two years to plan and the financial cost to the company is huge even if we do get to complete the original itinerary. But that pales in significance to the damage our reputation would take if we pulled the pin on a major Expedition, so we push on.

“The hype around the Virus has also seen a number of cancellations for our Central Asian destinations like Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and Siberia, none of which have even reported a single case of Caronavirus.” 

He says some customers have switched to one of their Australian tours, but international reports of the bushfires and recent flooding have also not helped.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Do I Need a Lawyer after I’m Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident?

(Contributed post for our North American readers)

In 2014 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recorded more than 92k motorcycle accidents. In California, for instance, the motorcycle fatalities increased from 490 in 2014 to 540 in 2016. Additionally, the deaths for not wearing a helmet increased rose up by 2 figures to 25 in 2016 from the 23 in 2015.  Even more damning is that this figure is not getting any better, and if anything, the recent statistics show an increase in the number of motorcycle accidents.

California motorcycle fatalities increased 11 percent from 494 in 2015 to 548 in 2016. Deaths from motorcyclists without a helmet risen by 9% from 23 in 2015 to 25 in 2016. California’s motorcycle fatalities accounted for 15.1% of total motor vehicle deaths in 2016.Sep 16, 201

That said, motorcycle accidents are unique in that, in most cases, they result in serious injuries.

Now, if you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, I know you might be wondering whether you need a motorcycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles, CA.

This is particularly true if your insurance has already contacted you or even another party is offering to compensate you for your injuries or damage. In such cases, you might be wondering why it’s even necessary to retain an attorney-after all, it seems like a waste of money, given that you can also represent yourself, right?


We recommend that you retain a lawyer, regardless of the accident circumstances.

Beyond legal representation, there’re other numerous ways that an attorney can help you, and having an attorney guide you the legal process is essential for the success of your case.

If you’re still on the fence on whether you need an attorney for legal representation after a motorcycle accident, stay with us and learn why.

Focus on Recovery

Most motorcycle accidents are grisly and often result in serious injuries.

In such instances, the last thing you would want is to focus on your compensation rather than your health and fast recovery.

By retaining an attorney, you’ll have the peace of mind that they’re representing your interests fully, and in turn, you’ll have time for a fast recovery.

Determine whether you have a Legal Claim

Motorcycle accidents are different, and not every one of them gives you the right to sue for compensation, and this is regardless of whether you were injured or not.

In some cases, you’ll be surprised to find out that you’re culpable and risk getting jailed.

So, before it gets to this point, retaining an attorney will help determine whether you have a right to sue.

They’ll easily go through the facts, and determine whether it’s worth pursuing the case.

Take Your Case to Trial

Not all motorcycle accident cases result in a settlement, and at times, the cases need to go through a trial, which in most cases is challenging, and it requires legal expertise.

If a case goes to trial, for instance, it will require you to do the filling, attend the preliminary hearing, collect evidence, question evidence, and collecting opening/closing statements.

As you can see, some of these processes are tiring and challenge to perform, especially if you don’t have the legal expertise.

An attorney, however, understands how to strategize and access evidence to the court records, and examine witnesses in such a way that will set you up for success.

Protection of Legal Rights

It doesn’t matter whether you’re at fault or even whether you’ll get compensation for the damages, but retaining an attorney will ensure that your legal rights are not violated.

Remember that an attorney understands the law and has specialized in the legal space, meaning they’re cognizant of the laws and when your legal rights are violated.

Negotiate Fair Settlement

Coming to an amicable figure in a settlement process is always a challenging process, especially if you don’t understand the art of negotiating.

This is not to mention that some of the insurance providers usually use underhand tactics,  to cancel your compensation or offer a less-than amount.

Remember that a majority of the insurance entities are in a business like any other and are in it to make profits. In most cases, they’ll try to keep the overhead costs to a minimum.

With an attorney, however, they’ll negotiate a fair settlement offer that accurately reflects the value of your case.

Here, for instance, your attorney will look at several elements and beyond the injury claim; they might even include lost wages, emotional detachment, loss of a loved one, and even the pain factor.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Crashed riders risk negligent charge

More and more riders are being charged with negligent driving (riding) after a single-vehicle crash, says NSW traffic and criminal law specialist Chris Kalpage.

Our contributing lawyer has previously written articles about defending various charges and last time he addressed the issues arising out of dangerous driving and negligent driving causing death or grievous bodily harm.

He now tackles this increasing risk of a negligent driving charge for which penalties can be quite severe:

Chris Kalpage defencesChris Kalpage sets up for a track session

Negligent driving

The concept of negligence is whether the person charged was not riding in the manner of a reasonably prudent motorist, considering all the circumstances.

Often if police are called to a single-vehicle accident where the bike has come down there is a risk the rider will be charged with negligent driving.

Two cases I defended come to mind.

Case 1

Old Pac gets more ‘safety barriers’Riders on the Old Pac (Photo courtesy of Valley Images)

One morning my client was riding his Aprilia RSV on the Old Pacific Highway, tipped into a corner at below the speed limit and lost his front end on slippery leaf mulch. You could substitute that for moss, oil, gravel from filling in potholes, or anything on the road surface.

He dragged himself to the Armco and sat down, his leg was broken. To his surprise, a tow truck and ambulance stopped to assist. As he was traveling to Gosford Hospital he heard over the radio that they had picked up the wrong accident victim, so they stopped at the next accident scene some kilometres from where he had crashed.

While the paramedics were assisting the other rider, a highway patrol officer at the second scene spoke to my client while he was in the back of the ambulance. He asked what had happened and my client explained about the leaf mulch. The officer further interviewed my client in hospital.

My client subsequently received an infringement for negligent driving which we defended.

The police officer’s evidence was that my client had told him he had lost his front wheel on leaf mulch. However, the officer said he attended the site and there was no leaf mulch, inferring that my client was riding with negligence.

In calling for the officer’s notebook in cross examination of him, it was clear the officer had noted my client indicated he had lost his front wheel suddenly on hitting the mulch. In cross-examination of the officer it was established that the notebook was the totality of the content of the discussion with my client.  It was further conceded by the officer that my client had said nothing more.

It was conceded that there were many corners between where the officer saw my client in the ambulance and where the accident had occurred.

The obvious conclusion was that the officer could not correctly identify the exact corner of the crash and by inference had not attended the site as was stated. The officer’s questionable evidence was rejected, my client’s evidence favourably received and he was found not guilty.

Case 2

Oxley Highway businesses eventRiders on the Oxley Highway

Another client was riding his Ducati 748 down the Oxley Highway when he hit a wedge of tarmac, possibly caused by heat forming a lip in the soft asphalt. His bike was knocked into gravel on the opposite side of the road.

Again my client had a broken leg and the ambulance was called. A regional highway patrol officer turned up at the site about 20 minutes later. Again, he had not seen how the accident occurred and had no evidence from witnesses, but formed the view that as an accident had occurred my client must have been traveling too fast.

At the hearing, the prosecutor agreed with me that the highway patrol officer could not provide expert post accident crash analysis. That is the remit of the specially trained police crash investigation unit. The case was adjourned so representations could be made.

However, the officer chose to press on with the case. Even though the magistrate allowed the evidence — which I believe should not have been — he took into account the officer’s lack of expertise and was prepared to accept my client’s evidence. He dismissed the prosecution.


A mere accident does not automatically mean that the rider was negligent. The prosecution needs to establish that you were driving or riding without the standard of care and attention reasonably expected of the ordinary prudent driver.

Even if you run into the back of a vehicle that suddenly stops, it does not mean your manner of driving was negligent.

I defended a retired motorcycle highway patrol officer with significant riding experience who ran into the back of a car because he had to apply emergency braking right where there was a sudden change in the road condition. He was acquitted at hearing.

So, if you have to brake suddenly and do it on a patch of diesel causing you to run into the car in front that may not constitute negligence. The court has to take into account all the circumstances of the case as embodied in the legislation, a part of which is printed below:


Negligent, furious or reckless driving

117 Negligent, furious or reckless driving

(cf STM Act, s 42)

(1) A person must not drive a motor vehicle on a road negligently.

(3) In considering whether an offence has been committed under this section, the court is to have regard to all the circumstances of the case, including the following:

(a) the nature, condition and use of the road on which the offence is alleged to have been committed,

(b) the amount of traffic that actually is at the time, or which might reasonably be expected to be, on the road,

(c) any obstructions or hazards on the road (including, for example, broken down or crashed vehicles, fallen loads and accident or emergency scenes).

(Editor’s note: This is a NSW law, but there are similar rules in most jurisdictions.)

This relates to the specific circumstances of the particular incident and this is one situation where every case is different. No two situations are alike so they require careful analysis. Don’t assess your case based on someone you know who had a similar situation and got a certain result, as you could be very wrong.


This article is for reader information and interest only and is based on New South Wales law. It is not intended to be comprehensive, and does not constitute and must not be relied on as legal advice.

Please be aware that every case is different and the matters raised may not be of specific relevance to your situation but may have a general application. You must seek specific advice tailored to your circumstances. Chris is happy to talk to anyone needing clarification. He can be contacted on 0418 211074.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

How to ride a cruiser on gravel and roadworks

Just because you are riding a cruiser doesn’t mean you have to find a detour when the road turns to gravel or you hit some rough roadworks.

We can understand those riders who choose to avoid such situations because they don’t want to get their chrome dirty or their paintwork pitted by stone chips.

However, there is no need to take the long way round just because you are scared of dropping or crashing your cruiser in gravel.

There is a special way to ride a cruiser on gravel roads and through roadworks but it basically comes down to slow and steady. Don’t be a hero!

Check out this video where a female successfully rides a Harley down a gravel road while a male on a BMW R 1200 GS embarrassingly drops his bike!


In fact, there are even some advantages in riding a cruiser on a dirt road:

  • The big flywheel keeps the bike stable at a slow pace;
  • The low centre of gravity;
  • Wide handlebars to control the front wheel which may be pushed around by stones or a soft surface;
  • Some cruisers have a big and slim front wheel which cuts through gravel and soft stuff without flicking around;
  • The effectiveness of the rear brake; and
  • The low seat height that allows you to reassuringly put a foot on the ground.

All these will allow you to ride dirt roads and roadworks if you take a slow and steady pace.

Although, competent riders can take cruisers at a more brisk pace.

Check out this video of US Army dispatch riders training on Harley WLAs.


We’re not saying cruisers are off-road bikes.

There are several disadvantages of a cruiser on dirt:

  • The excessive weight may get you bogged in loose stuff;
  • If you lose your balance, they come down quickly;
  • They are more difficult to pick up if dropped; and
  • They don’t have knobby tyres to dig into the surface.

So how do you overcome these issues?

The first rule of riding in dirt is to stand up. That allows the bike flop around without alarming you and your weight adding to the movement.

It also gives you a better look ahead for obstacles.

However, it is difficult to stand on a cruiser, so we suggest just remaining seated.

And don’t bother dropping the tyre pressures unless you are riding in sand. You won’t puncture a tyre if you are going slow.

Gravel busting tips

So here are 10 things you can do to ride your cruiser on dirt:

  1. Breathe. You will get through this, but first you have to breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and handlebar grip, and don’t get too stressed. The more relaxed you are, the less likely you will overreact to any bike movements. It’s important to let the bike squirrel around a little bit.
  2. Leave a gap. If you are in a conga line of traffic, don’t tailgate. Leave a fair gap to the motorist in front and if you are being followed closely by a vehicle, turn around and ask them to back off while you get through or they could run over you if you do drop the bike.
  3. Be smooth. Accelerate, change gears, brake and steer smoothly. Sharp inputs can have drastic effects.
  4. Don’t paddle. Keep your feet on the footpegs. This gives you more control. Paddling with your feet will only slow you down and may not prevent you from falling, anyhow. However, a low cruiser will still allow you to have the odd dab at the ground for added stability.
  5. Look ahead. Don’t look down or that’s where you will end up. Keep an eye ahead so your bike goes where you are looking. It also helps you identify any obstacles such as ruts, mud or deep gravel.
  6. Accelerate. Ride into the roadworks very slowly so you can gradually increase your speed without having to touch your brakes. By applying a bit of throttle through the roadworks, you control the bike though the back wheel and keep pressure off the front, preventing it from tucking under. If the road ahead is sand, you may be in a bit of trouble as that requires a light front end and acceleration. But it can be done with some practice and bravery pills!
  7. Don’t brake. Only if absolutely necessary, should you apply the brake. And then, it should be smooth and mainly rear brake. If you have ABS, that’s actually an advantage in dirt when you are sporting road tyres!
  8. Turn slowly. If the roadworks goes around a corner, you will have to turn, but try to make a big arc through the corner by staying in the outside wheel track.
  9. Pick a wheel track. Even if you go around a corner and need to arc out the angle a bit, try not to get out of the wheel tracks as these are drier and firmer.
  10. Don’t stop. Most riders drop a cruiser when they stop in tricky situations. Try to keep the bike moving, even if very slowly. Rely on that big flywheel and maybe slip a little clutch to monitor your speed.

(Thanks to my mate Peter Davis who rode his Honda cruiser up and down this steep gravel hill for the video.)

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Why You Shouldn’t Cancel Motorcycle Insurance During Winter

By Cyndy Lane: Traveler, Blogger, Writer, Loves to write about personal travel experiences

If you are the proud owner and rider of a motorcycle, you will know how important it is to have insurance coverage in place. Insurance provides protection against a range of incidents such as accidents, theft, fire, damage, and third-party liability in the event of an accident. There are various different levels of motorcycle insurance you can consider, so you should be able to find the ideal one for your needs.

Once you have your cover in place, you can look forward to peace of mind and protection when you hit the road on your motorcycle during the summer. Of course, in the winter, the roads are often not safe enough depending on where you live, so you may decide to store your bike during the winter months and use other methods of transportation. If you do this, you may also be tempted to cancel your insurance cover during the months you are not using the motorcycle, but this could prove to be a mistake. In this article, we will look at some of the key reasons why you should keep your motorcycle insurance active, even during the winter when you are not riding it.

What Are the Reasons?

We all want to save money where we can, which is why some riders decide to cancel their motorcycle insurance when they are not actually riding their motorbike for an extended period. However, there are various reasons why you should think twice before you do this. Some of these include:

You May Face Fees and Penalties

When you take out insurance coverage, it is designed to cover you for the period of one year, at which point you can renew or go elsewhere for coverage. However, if you decide to cancel partway through the year because you will not be using your motorcycle, you could face penalties and early termination fees, and these can be very costly. So, it is well worth considering whether you will be better off keeping the coverage in place rather than being hit with huge financial penalties.

You Will Lose Valuable Protection

As we know, insurance coverage protects us in the event of damage or injuries caused during accidents while on the road. However, it also covers you for problems that could occur when you are not on the road such as the theft of your motorcycle or fire damage. If you cancel your insurance cover, you will lose this protection. So, if something happens to your motorcycle during the months you are not riding it, you will have no protective cover in place.

You Will Be Unable to Ride Your Bike

While you may think that you will not ride your motorcycle at all during the winter months, you never know when the odd day of decent weather might come along. If and when this does happen, you may want to take to the road on your motorcycle. However, if you have cancelled your insurance cover, you won’t be able to do this. So, it is worth keeping your insurance cover active so that you can still ride your motorcycle in winter if you are able to.

What Can You Do?

So, what can you do in order to continue to enjoy protection? Well, it is worth noting that there are some insurance providers that offer lay-up insurance plans. These plans make things far easier for you, as you can benefit from reduced costs when your motorcycle is not being used for an extended period but you will still be protected when it comes to things such as fire damage or theft of your bike. So, you can look forward to continued insurance cover even if you will not be riding your bike and do not need liability coverage. There are also some lay-up policies that do allow for occasional riding of your bike, such as when the weather take a turn for the better. You can go online to get a competitive motorcycle insurance quote, which will make it easier for find cover that fits in with your budget.

If you want to enjoy continued protection rather than cancelling your insurance plan altogether during winter, it is well worth checking with your provider – or another provider – whether they offer this type of plan. This is something that will provide you with much greater flexibility when it comes to your insurance coverage and means that you are not left completely unprotected during the winter.

Motorcycles do not come cheap, and the last thing you want is for your expensive dream machine to be at risk. By making sure you keep some level of cover in place during the winter months, you get to benefit from far greater peace of mind as well as valuable protection. 

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

It’s about the journey, not the destination

(Contributed post for our North American readers)

Of course, you have heard this statement before; it’s not the destination, but the journey. Whether you’re a serious adventurer or a more relaxed kind of biker, you can choose the motorcycle trip customized to your level and the type of experience you are looking for. From the Himalayas to Mongolia, from a rugged raid to a smooth cruise everything is possible to suit every taste.

Bike travel gives you heaps of freedom and offers a more intimate connection with the people of the places you pass through. There are several scenic roads around the world, yet the best rides are spiced by the rush of twists where motorcyclists can wrench open the throttle.

A motorcycle trip requires extensive pre-trip planning and research, and there are many factors to keep in mind while planning the trip. The following are a few tips that you need to know before you jump on a bike and take a trip.

  • Selection of right bike:

Picking the ideal motorcycle is one of the most significant parts of going by bike. And your bike needs to be in accordance with the demands of your trip. Your checklist for choosing the right bike should focus on aspects like mileage, low maintenance and most importantly, a comfortable seating position so that you don’t strain your neck and/or back over the course of a long journey.

  • Have right accessories:

It’s important that you equip yourself with the right accessories so that you stay safe throughout your journey. While sporting a biker’s jacket and gloves will help you fight the heat and avoid dehydration, always ensure you wear a good-quality helmet as this might be the difference between life and death.

Ensure you wear biker boots to protect your feet and keep a decent grip on the brake pedal. Other important accessories include biker gloves and a traveling backpack. The proper bike gear is essential to ensure a safe and adventurous bike road trip.

  • Get ready for the long journey:

Preparing your motorbike involves cleaning it thoroughly and getting it serviced when required. You have to fix any issues you notice while cleaning or riding.

Ensure that your bike has dual sport tires so that you have no problem tackling both smooth surfaces and unpaved roads. Also, get your motorcycle serviced by a respectable mechanic to guarantee it’s in top condition before you hit the road.

  • Get prepared for a breakdown:

Breaking down on the roadside can be an upsetting and unsettling experience. If you’re riding a motorbike, you’re more likely to be on your own with no passengers to help and keep you company.

Not only that, if the weather is unpleasant or it’s late at night and dark, you’re exposed to the elements. In a car, you can sit inside in relative warmth and comfort while you wait for help. With a motorcycle, you don’t have a lot of choices but to remain alongside it until help shows up.

No matter where you are when an emergency happens, Commercial Roadside Assistance Company allows you to call one phone number and get help right away.

In the end, motorbike travel is one of the best ways to explore. It’s the ultimate thrill; the feeling of total freedom, of immersing yourself in the scenery, the breeze rushing by and the buzz it offers is indescribable.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Are you an over-committed rider?

We all enjoy going hard some times, but if you are an over-committed rider, you leave no margin for error and the results can be catastrophic.

While other motorists should watch out for riders, we also have to take responsibility for our own safety, especially during the higher-risk holiday riding season.

That means not using the road as our own personal racetrack.

Instead, go and do a track day and get it out of your system.Committed track day

There you will find a well-marshalled event where everyone is heading in the same direction as you, there are no cars and trucks to hassle you, there are no roadside hazards to hit and if it does go pear-shaped, there is an ambulance on duty.

None of that is available on the road.

That’s why you when you go for a road ride you should always leave a margin for error and not over-commit.

Over-committed ridersCommute traffic lane filtering speed wet NSW sydney police commuting slow speeding speed limit

Almost every time I go out for a ride I see a rider who has over-committed.

On our suburban roads, some riders take for granted that they will be given right of way.

That’s over-committing your safety into the hands of motorists who may not see you or who do but don’t consider you a threat, anyway.

On the highways some riders slice through the traffic, over-committing themselves to squeezing into a gap.

If a car suddenly changes lanes, they have left themselves no room to brake or change direction.

On country back roads, I see riders over-committing by trying to get their knees down in a corner.

Unless they have just ridden that corner, how do they know there isn’t a bump, pothole, gravel, oil spill, etc, that will reduce traction and low-side their bike?

On mountain roads I witness riders over-committing to blind corners simply because they have ridden them before.

But what if there is a stray animal on the road, an oncoming vehicle cutting the corner, or a group of cyclists just around the bend?Maritha Keyser Cyclist rule endangers motorcyclists

Most important rule

The most important safety rule you can apply these holidays is to ride within your limits.

Always leave an escape route or a margin for your error and the errors of other road users.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com