Tag Archives: Tips/training

Dry cleaning your dirty motorcycle

By dry cleaning your motorcycle we don’t mean sending it to the dry cleaners! We are talking about cleaning your motorcycle without using water.

It’s especially an issue during this prolonged drought.

Dry cleaning is also handy for those who live in apartments and can’t get access to a hose and have to clean their bike in a garage.

If your motorcycle is covered in mud and grit, you shouldn’t attack it with anything that might scratch paintwork.

In that case, it’s best to rinse your bike and give it a good old wet wash.dry cleaning washing wash

Click here for our top 10 tips on washing your motorcycle.

And if it’s caked in mud after a big adventure ride, you might want to check this article on the correct use of a pressure washer.Washing freight export import transport condensation

But if it’s just covered in some dust, road grime and a few bigs, a dry wash might be all you need.

Dry cleaning products

There is a variety of dry cleaning products you can get for cars that will work.

However, we like products from French motorcycle company Motul, distributed in Australia by Link International, which make cleaners and lubricants specifically for motorcycles.

They make a Wash & Wax Spray in a 400ml trigger bottle or aerosol can for $14.90 that will remove light grime.

Use a clean rag and do small areas at a time, wiping off while the spray is still wet on the surface.

It leaves a waxy surface that protects the paint.

Once you have cleaned the bike with the spray, you can shine it with Motul’s Shine & Go Spray which also comes in 400ml trigger or aerosol versions for $17.90.

Dry cleaning

It has a silicone-based formulation that enhances the colours and gives it a great shine.

Make sure to always use a soft, microfibre cloth and never let it drop on the ground as it can pick up small amounts of grit that can scratch your paintwork and chrome.

Motul says the silicone formula also protects the paintwork from water and dirt.

Use these products in a well-ventilated area, never use them on hot bikes that have just been running or sitting in the sun and keep the products away from naked flames and sparks.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

High speed leads to dangerous charges

Riders who are fined for high-range speeding over 45km/h are often also charged with driving in a “manner dangerous”, says NSW traffic and criminal law specialist Chris Kalpage.

Our contributing lawyer says the extra charge is often based on the speed which may not be “objectively dangerous”.

Chris has previously addressed the issues of dangerous driving, negligent driving causing death or grievous bodily harm and a charge of negligent driving resulting from a crash. We suggest you read this in relation with this. See those articles at the end of this article under the heading “Stories You May Also Like”.

In this article Chris addresses the issues of charges of “Speed Dangerous” and “Manner Dangerous” arising out of a high-range speeding charge.

Dangerous charge

Often I will be approached by riders/drivers who have been charged with an over-45km/h speed and have also been given a court attendance notice for ‘drive manner/speed dangerous’.

The basis of the charge is as the title implies the manner and or speed involved in the driving, but sometimes it is purely based on the speed itself, which on careful assessment may not be objectively dangerous. Similarly the manner of driving on cross-examination may not be able to be sustained.

The test as to whether someone was driving in a manner dangerous focuses on the potential danger, rather than whether the actual danger was realised or not. For instance, high speed in a residential area may satisfy a high potential for danger compared with high speed on a freeway in the early hours of the morning.

Severe penalties

The problem in a charge like this is that the penalties can be quite severe on conviction, which can include a period of incarceration and/or a period of disqualification being an unlimited maximum, an automatic of three years, to a minimum of one year.

The other issue is that your licence and potentially plates can be taken on the spot which for some of my clients has resulted in them being stranded in the middle of nowhere.

These cases are serious and we will often start with an investigation of the in-car video (ICV) to view what the officers could see.

Often what they could see is quite different to what they believed they could see. For instance, hearing a bike or car with an aftermarket exhaust that seems loud and their belief accordingly that it was going fast.

Any witness in any criminal case can be influenced by their bias and make assumptions based on their particular bias in what they believe they saw. It is only when you see the ICV that you may get an idea as to what the officer actually saw and what is the filling in of gaps based on their bias.

Often the case involves careful cross-examination of each segment of the alleged offending behaviour to establish that the driving/riding does not constitute manner dangerous.

Police pursuitCops police speed speeding extended

I have had cases where a motorcycle is travelling above the speed limit and the police vehicle, some distance behind has seen the bike and then pursued it for a number of kilometres.

A particular case I did involved a bike traveling down from the mountains on the M4 with an unmarked police car traveling some distance behind.

Initially it was obvious from the ICV that the police officer was targeting another car but then when he saw the bike he decided to target that. The bike was traveling smoothly but at a speed in excess of the speed limit.

The police officer had to speed to around 180km/h to catch up. The bike was passing vehicles smoothly, but the police vehicle was flying up behind vehicles causing cars to dive everywhere.

The officer was of the view that it was my client’s riding that caused vehicles to dart in different directions which was questionable at best, as was the police officer’s estimate of speed.

Despite painstaking cross-examination of the police officer and reference to the video section by section, the court convicted my client. However, the magistrate took into account those issues that had been raised in cross examination and additional submissions made in sentence and gave him the minimum period of disqualification.

Had the Magistrate not observed the cross examination of the police officer and a plea of guilty had been entered based on the police facts as alleged the outcome would have been far worse. Accordingly in some instances there is a tactical basis for challenging the evidence to highlight the exaggeration by police.

Defending two chargesspeed camera radar speeding fines rich rich

Often a manner/speed dangerous charge based on excessive speed will include a charge of speed over 30 or over 45km/h.

We defend these charges with the intention of entering a guilty plea to the less-serious excessive-speed charge (if applicable) in an effort to get police to withdraw the dangerous driving primary charge.

In one case, a rider in a remote country location was pulled over by police using a Lidar. He was alleged to be riding more than 45km/h over the limit and riding in a dangerous manner. His licence was confiscated on the spot and he was charged by field court attendance notice, having him stranded in the middle of nowhere.

We subsequently mounted a defence and ran the case at Holbrook Local Court. Based on our argument that based on the location and time of day combined with traffic conditions it wasn’t dangerous. The prosecution agreed to withdraw the speed dangerous at hearing on a plea of guilty to the speeding offence which was the difference between a potential disqualification of six months as opposed to three years.

In many similar cases, a strong defence involving scientific evidence can achieve a similar compromise.

The court has to take into account all the circumstances of the case, including the nature, condition and use of the road, the amount of traffic, and any obstructions or hazards on the road. When all this is raised by the defence and taken into consideration by the prosecution it may make sustaining a charge of manner/speed dangerous untenable.


This article is for reader information and interest only and is based on New South Wales law. It is not intended to be comprehensive, and does not constitute and must not be relied on as legal advice.

Please be aware that every case is different and the matters raised may not be of specific relevance to your situation but may have a general application. You must seek specific advice tailored to your circumstances. Chris is happy to talk to anyone needing clarification. He can be contacted on 0418 211074.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

How rona riders may self-incriminate

With riders facing hefty fines for breaking the coronavirus Home Confinement Direction, some have suggested rona riders should reserve their rights to silence when pulled over by police.

While exercising your right to silence is usually a good idea, it might not be of much assistance here, says Brisbane lawyer Andrew Evans.

Under the law, police have the power to ask you basic questions and you’re breaking the law if you refuse to answer.

Those basic questions are: 

  • Your name and address; 
  • Date and place of your birth (in drug matters); 
  • Other questions regarding broken traffic laws or whether you’ve seen an accident; and
  • Other questions police can ask under special laws.

“So if you refuse to say where you are going, the police cannot prove you have committed an offence,” suggests one reader.

Unfortunately where you are going is not an element of the offence; it’s leaving your place of residence and if they have found you out riding then they can make out that element regardless of what you do or don’t say.

Click here to complete our three-minute survey on attitudes to the pandemic!

Standard practiceCops police speed speeding extended

Andrew says standard legal advice is to exercise your right to silence “because they will use anything you say against you”. 

For instance, if you get pulled over speeding there is a standard series of questions police ask:

  • Do you have a reason for speeding?
  • Do you know why I pulled you up?
  • Did you know you were speeding”

“All of them are intended to illicit a response that indicates guilt so you are always better off saying nothing,” he says. 

“This is because ordinarily when you go to court it is up to the police to prove your guilt not for you to prove you are innocent.  

“If you get caught speeding and you stay silent, go to court and there is an issue with the evidence so you get the radar evidence thrown out they then have nothing.  

“If you don’t to give any evidence, their case fails, but if you made an admission at the time of the offence that can come back to bite you.”

Rona riders

However, rona riders should be aware the current situation under the Home Confinement Direction is “a bit different”, Andrew says. 

“It makes it unlawful to leave your residence unless you meet the criteria for leaving set out in the direction,” he says.

“So if a police officer asks why you are out and you refuse to answer you are almost guaranteed to get fined because he or she will assume you have no reasonably necessary reason to leave.

“That doesn’t mean you are compelled to answer. You can refuse. But it probably increases the risk of getting a fine rather than a caution.

“So if you have a justifiable reason, like going to the shops or going to work, you should tell them as it will most likely save you having to deal with it at court later.

“If you don’t have a reason then you might be better off exercising your right to not answer and then take legal advice about any fine they issue.”

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Do you hold the clutch lever at lights?

Does it damage the bike’s clutch to keep your motorcycle in gear with the lever pulled in while waiting at traffic lights and is it safe?

RACQ technical officer and Triumph Bonneville rider Steve Spalding says the mechanical issue largely depends on the type of clutch your bike has.

“Most bike clutches are wet which means they run in oil ( usually the same oil as the engine and transmission) but some, such as many old BMWs, use a dry clutch that’s essentially the same as a car,” Steve says.

Steve Spalding RACQ voidSteve Spalding

Clutch wear

“Either way, there is still an element of additional wear by holding in the lever for long periods.

“With a dry clutch the thrust bearing (or sometimes called a throw-out bearing) rubs against the pressure plate fingers while on a wet clutch a rod pushes against the clutch pack – the purpose of both types is to separate the friction plates.

“Both types add unnecessary wear if the clutch is held in for prolonged periods. It’s also holding the clutch cable and linkage under tension.  

“Also, with a wet bike clutch there is always a level of drag because wet friction plates never fully separate. That’s why most bikes have a firm clunk when first gear is selected.

“This drag is friction and therefore wear, it also places additional stress on the oil and tension on the chain.

“So it’s better for mechanical reasons to put the bike into neutral.”

Safety issue road rage tailgate tailgating rear-ender motorcycles BMW S 1000 RR lane filtering lane splitting gap

For safety, it is advisable to leave your bike in gear at the lights, at least until you have a couple of cars pulled up behind you to avoid a rear-ender.

The reasoning is that you are ready to take off in case the driver behind you (and sometimes the driver behind them!) doesn’t pull up in time.

Leaving the bike in gear in this crucial stage means you are ready to move away and avoid a rear-ender, which is one of the most common types of motorcycle accidents at intersections.

Keep an eye on your mirrors for a vehicle about to rear-end you and plan where you can go in an emergency.

You should have your right foot on the rear brake and your left foot on the ground for a quick getaway.

Once the line-up of cars behind you is stationary, you can pop the bike into neutral if the traffic light sequence is long.

You can also filter and sit between the lanes of traffic for further protection.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

DIY advice for self-isolating riders

If you’ve responsibly chosen to park your bike during the pandemic, then you may be considering using the time to do some valuable DIY maintenance.

We love a bit of DIY bike maintenance, but there are a few pitfalls that can trap the unwary home mechanic, warns RACQ technical officer and self-confessed mechanical “trainspotter” Steve Spalding.

“I like to know where, how, why things work on my bikes, how the models differ and spec changes, oil specs, servicing schedules, workshop tools to do DIY maintenance etc,” says Steve.

Steve Spalding RACQ voidSteve Spalding RACQ

However, he says there can sometimes be variances between recommended replacement parts and what actually fits your bike.

He recalls replacing his chain and sprockets on his Bandit in a working bee with some friends: “I probably drove them nuts when I spent around 30 minutes using Vernier callipers to measure the right amount of ‘crush’ on the joining link so as to not damage the ‘O’ ring seals.”

“The sprocket sizes quoted by the bike shop for my bike were wrong. They didn’t believe me at first.”

He says he has also found the online and in-store manuals listed different oil filter fitments. He now uses a different model and brand from what is recommended in the manual.

“You’ll find there is a necessary close working relationship between parts people and mechanics. It comes down to the part number versus the application,” he says.

“The spare parts staff rely on manuals and part numbers to supply a part. However, the mechanic determines if the part will actually fit correctly. And the buck stops with the mechanic if they get it wrong.

“Therein sometimes lies the tension as both are experienced at what they do.” 

Identifying the correct part

Steve says motorcycle manufacturers change or modify parts or specifications during model runs. That can make it difficult to identify the correct part.

He advises a VIN number is necessary with original parts. 

“I think most mechanics rightfully rely on, and respect, parts people for getting them the right parts when needed,” he says.mechanic tools maintenance servicing lemon laws diy

“So the message to DIYers is do take advice from the parts suppliers. However, it’s always good practice to make careful observations when removing old parts or preparing to do a job. That will reduce the risk of getting the wrong part.

“And, most importantly, be absolutely satisfied the supplied part is correct before attempting to force-fit. 

“The other advice is use quality parts and oils, and only do repairs and servicing you are competent at doing.

“Mechanics have years of experience, access to manufacturer training, workshop special tools and technical data that most home DIYers don’t have.

“With experience, it’s better to spend more time researching and learning before taking on a new repair task. Then you will spend less time becoming frustrated with a job that goes from difficult to disastrous.” 

Steve says there is a lot of helpful advice online, but he also warns about owner forums and YouTube “how-to” videos.

Online DIY tips:

  • Be careful in where you source motoring advice. It is usually well-intended but not necessarily accurate;
  • Manufacturers, dealerships and local repairers are credible sources of advice, forums and social media less so;
  • Be extra careful about seeking or accepting  ‘legal advice’ such as for traffic infringements, crashes etc from forums and social media;
  • Just because a thought keeps appearing on blogs or social media, doesn’t mean it accurate. It could be that it’s just being repeated from one incorrect source; and
  • If you take advice from unreliable sources and causes damage to your bike or makes things worse, there’s not much chance of recourse. You wear the cost of incorrect advice.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

4 Most Dangerous Motorcycle Routes in The World

Contributed post (Image: Pamir Highway, Tajikistan)

Any two-wheeled journey needs to be treated with care. We all know the truism that statistically you are most likely to have an accident within a few miles of home. That said, some roads in the world need to be treated with much more respect than your mum on Mother’s Day. 

Below we are going to look at four of the most dangerous motorcycle routes in the world. Not the roads that are statistically most dangerous but the ones that that will reward you with life-changing views and experiences but could also lead to life-ending injuries should you get things slightly wrong.

The Canning Stock Route, Australia

Canning Stock Route dangerousCanning Stock Route

Stretching for 1,850 km from Wiluna to Hall’s Creek in the Kimberley Region, the Canning Stock route follows the historic trial of what was once the longest cattle driving route in the world. 

If you’re imaging cowboys driving cattle along dusty trails, then you have it exactly right. The Canning Stock route remains exactly that, only without the cattle or cowboys. It’s now just a dirt track through some of the most barren and unforgiving terrain Australia has to offer. 

Over two to three weeks of hard riding, the route passes through not one, but three, deserts, the Gibson, Little and Great Sandy. Don’t expect any roadside cafes on the way, the most you can hope for is that the century-old wells you need for survival won’t be dry when you arrive. 

With stretches without fuel as long as 665km this is not a route to tackle solo and not a route for the faint-hearted. It not only requires incredible bike-handling skills, but it also demands in-depth mechanical knowledge, a great deal of logistically nouse, a hell of a lot of mental fortitude and cojones, big ones.  

The Pamir Highway – Afghanistan, Tajikistan & Kyrgystan

Known officially as the M41, and colloquially as the “heroin highway”, the location of this road should be a bit of a giveaway as to why it’s so dangerous. Any road that weaves its merry way through Afghanistan and Tajikistan isn’t going to a walk in the park. And while kidnap, robbery and corrupt police and army officials are a big problem on the Pamir Highway, the biggest danger is the road itself.

The road has its roots in the millennia-old silk road that linked ancient China with Central Asia. It is the second-highest altitude international highway in the world, but calling it a “highway” probably gives it more credit than it’s due, for most of the route it is more pothole than road. 

This is definitely not one for beginner drivers, you guys have enough to worry about and these motorcycle safety tips can help you. 

Landslides, erosion, earthquakes and extreme cold are all factors any brave rider will have to contend with on the Pamir Highway. In return, however, motorcyclists are treated with some of the most mind-boggling vistas the world has to offer and the chances of meeting other tourists are almost zero.

North Yunguas Road, Bolivia 

Chances are you may know this road already or at least seen it on tv. It’s often referred to by the far catching and dramatic title of the “Bolivian Death Road”.

The North Yungas road connects the world’s highest capital city, La Paz (3,660 metres in altitude) with the low-lying Yungas region of the Amazonian Rainforest. The route itself is less than 70km long but by some estimates in its heyday it was claiming up to 300 lives a year. Eek! 

The road was build in the 1930s by Paraguayan prisoners of war and is a feat of spectacular engineering. The route, which at some points is only 3 metres wide, is cut into sheer rockface with drops of over 600metres into the rainforest below. If you suffer from even the slightest vertigo, this is one to avoid.

A newer, and thankfully safer highway was now been build that sees most of the regular Peruvian traffic but the Death Road is still open for any brave two-wheeled adventurer who wants to put their skills against one of the most notorious routes in the world. 

Manali-Leh Highway, IndiaRoyal Enfield Himalayan on test in the Himalayas

Open for just four months a year when the melted snow allows it, the Manali-Leh highway connects the historic capital of India’s Ladakh province with the state of Himachal Pradesh. Stretching for 490km the route can be tackled in as little as two or three days.

However, like the Pamir Highway, one of the unforeseen risks to many riders taking on the route to Leh is rapid changes in altitude. Going up and down too quickly when you are at an average altitude of 3,000 metres plus can lead to increased chances of altitude sickness. And feeling drowsy and struggling to breath whilst trying to drive a motorbike is no fun whatsoever. 

Road conditions vary from good to not so good, to very very not good. And getting a hang of the road surface is the ever-present danger of overloaded Indian buses and their less than orthodox driving style, which often involves overtaking on blind hairpin bends. 

Well, there you have it adrenaline fans, four of the most dangerous and rewarding motorcycle routes in the world. If you have conquered one of these roads then you can truly call yourself motorcycle adventurer. Enjoy and good luck!

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

How to hibernate your bike during pandemic

If you haven’t already decided to self isolate, you may soon be forced off the road by government bans, so you should think about how to hibernate your bike for the months ahead.

Various sources are telling us the lockdown measures will be in place for anything up to six months!

In that time, your bike can deteriorate just sitting in the garage.

The tyres can go flat and out of shape, the fuel can spoil in the tank and the battery will run flat.

Riders in climates where they have to hibernate their bike during the winter will already know the drill.

But for the rest of us, it’s all new territory.

So, we have put together this guide to help you hibernate your bike safely.

At the end of the lockdown, click here to find out how to get your bike ready for riding again.

How to hibernate your bike


Even if you are a few thousand kilometres short of the next service, it is advisable to have your bike serviced before laying it up. Some bikes require an annual service, even if you haven’t done the required kilometres, and that service may fall due during the lockdown. As a minimum, you should think about changing the oil and filters. The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries advises that automotive brands and networks will remain open to provide sales and service support to customers.  In fact, TeamMoto stores and MCA stores at Penrith, Caringbah and Campbelltown are actually offering free pick-up and delivery when you get your bike serviced so you don’t even have to leave home isolation. (Restrictions on distance apply.)


If you don’t have one of the new-age lithium or anti-gravity batteries, you should put your motorcycle battery on a trickle charger. Others prefer to take the battery out and jump-start it later on. If you do, you will then need to ride the bike for at least half an hour on constant throttle to re-charge the battery.


Don’t drain the fuel out. If moisture gets into a metal tank, it can cause corrosion. Instead, leave some fuel in the tank, but add fuel additives (often called preservatives or conditioner) such as Motorex’s Fuel Stabiliser. It can save you the heartache of the fuel degrading and blocking up the injectors or carburettor jets.


Leaving your bike sitting in the one spot for several months can ruin your tyres. As they gradually lose pressure, the sidewalls distort where they touch the garage floor. If you leave them that way, it can cause permanent damage. First thing to do is pump your tyres up high and check them every few weeks. However, it is better of you put the bike on a centre stand or a paddock stand which will take most or all of the pressure off the tyres. We like the Dynamoto stand. If not, move it around every few weeks.

Dynamoto Motorcycle StandDynamoto motorcycle stands


Had to use that heading, courtesy of Neil Young! Corrosion can get into your bike over the damp winter months unless you keep it dry. Rather than using a bike rain cover, try an old sheet or blanket which is more likely to soak up moisture. Before covering your bike, give the metal parts a liberal spray with a corrosion inhibitor such as Scottoiler’s FS365 or WD40 which repels water. Try to store your bike in a warm and dry spot such as next to a hot water system.


Don’t forget about your riding gear as well. Never put your riding gear away dirty. Give it a good clean and store it in a dry cupboard to prevent mould. Put your helmet in its helmet bag, perhaps with some naphthalene to repel moisture. Store your boots with some newspaper inside to soak up any moisture and prevent them collapsing and going out of shape.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

How to avoid hitting other riders

Two recent crashes involving riders running into each other have prompted us to investigate multi-motorcycle accidents and provide tips on how to avoid them.

In one recent accident, two riders and a pillion were injured when two motorcycles collided head-on (pictured above) and in the other, two riders travelling the same direction collided and one rider crashed and sadly died.

We publish these crash reports to remind riders of their vulnerability, make them aware of different types of crash scenarios and offer safety tips. Click here to find out more.

Multi-bike crashes rare

On a brighter note, multi-motorcycle crashes are actually very rare.

In fact, Queensland University of Technology road safety researcher and Triumph Street Triple rider Ross Blackman says that in Queensland they represent just 1% of all crashes and about 4% of motorcycle crashes.

Ross Blackman QUT road safety researcherRoss and his Street Triple RS

“Of course they’d be much more common in countries with high levels of motorcycle/scooter use,” he says.

“Same-direction collisions are obviously different from head-ons.

“In the former it seems to raise the question of whether they were travelling too close together.”

Same-direction crashes

This can lead to riders banging bars or running into the back of another bike they are following too closely.

Some ride groups enforce a staggered formation as they say it provides greater braking distance to avoid rear-enders while keeping the group together and not strung out.

However, it means a pack of riders are travelling closely together. So if one crashes, it could involve another.

Or in the case of a crash at Kyogle in northern NSW last October, one rider tragically died and three others were injured when a Kias Rio on the wrong side of the road ploughed into their pack. Police have still not charged the driver.

Car ploughed into riders monthKyogle crash aftermath (Image: Seven News)

Group riding tips

We have previously offered tips on group riding which you can find by clicking here.

One of the tips is to appoint a tail-end Charlie.

Myrtleford Police Sgt Paul Evans says a Harley-Davidson rider who recently plunged 20m off a cliff in the Victorian Alps only survived because the group had appointed a tail-end Charlie who noticed he was missing.

It still took them about 90 minutes to find him.

SES RescueSES rescues rider who plunged over cliff

How to avoid head-on crashes

How many times have you almost been taken out head-on by a rider cutting a corner or running wide out of a corner?

To avoid cutting a corner or running wide, you need to have a wide entry to the corner with a late apex. Click here for more details.

If all riders practise this, t will help avoid head-on crashes in corners.

Another dangerous riding behaviour that can lead to a head-on is dangerous overtaking.Overtaking overtake

Many riders sit too close to the vehicle in front, which obscures their vision of what’s ahead.

That makes it difficult for riders to see an approaching car, let alone a motorcycle which has a much smaller silhouette.

And riders shouldn’t assume that an approaching rider will simply move over and let them overtake a vehicle because motorcycles are narrower.

Remember, the approaching rider might not be able to see you if you are too close behind the vehicle you are about to overtake.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

Top 10 reasons for riding solo

Any excuse is good enough for a ride – whether it’s with the pillion-in-a-million, a couple of friends, a dozen club members, a hundred shop riders, or a thousand toy runners – yet solo riding is our favourite.

And in these days of social distancing, it may be the preferred way to go.

There are many reason why we love riding solo.

But here are our top 10:

  1. Zen: It’s a good time for peace and meditation, away from the mindless chatter and banter of friends. Solo riding can be a cathartic experience where you “blow out the cobwebs”, cleanse the mind of the week’s built-up minutiae and think about nothing else but the manual task in hand – clutch, throttle, brake, steering.
  2. Peer pressure: There is none when you ride solo. You can choose your own pace. Go on, race that HSV Holden if you like, tag on to the back of a bunch of sports bikes or just wave them past and continue to ride at a relaxed pace. If you race and win, you can congratulate yourself. If you race and lose, then there’s no one judging you.

    Riding soloWave faster riders through

  3. No pressure: Apart from a lack of pressure to go racing, there is also no pressure to stay together in a pack which can put pressure on you to make some silly errors, radical passing manoeuvres or run “very amber” lights.
  4. Stop: Yes, you can actually stop to take a photo, absorb a view, go to the toilet or grab another cup of coffee without being berated by a friend for slowing down the herd.

    Riding solo CFMotoStop and go when you like

  5. Go: No need to wait around for one of your group to use the toilet, pay for their latte by American Express, have a cigarette or fix their “classic” bike. Just go when you are ready!
  6. Idiots: You probably don’t ride with idiots, but usually a group can have one person who isn’t as talented as the other riders or makes rash decisions. Riding solo removes this dangerous element from your ride.
  7. Change your mind: There is no set agenda. You are allowed to change your mind, destination and route as often as you want without causing anyone grief or upset.

    Riding soloTake a sidetrack

  8. Explore: Groups have a rigid route and arrival time, but riding solo allows you to explore side roads, go a different route to normal or even head up a dead-end just to see what’s there. And no one will mind!
  9. Bench racing: You can’t fool yourself, so there is no point in lying to yourself about your escapades. However, when you catch up with your friends on another ride, you can “embellish” all you like as there are no witnesses!

    Riding soloElectronic gadgets make solo adventuring possible

  10. Safety: Riding solo, especially on lonely country roads or trails is not very safe in the event of a crash or breakdown. However, these days there are mobile phones, distress beacons, GPS trackers and other electronic gadgets you can use to improve your safety, even if you are out of phone signal.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

How to Safely Transport Motorcycle During a Move

(Contributed post)

If you’re preparing for a long-distance move, something that you’ll want to consider is how you’re going to transport your motorcycle. A long-distance move is typically any move that is outside a 50 to 100-mile (80-160km) radius.

While any move is challenging, long-distance moves come with the additional challenge of not being able to easily get back and forth between your old home and your new home. This means you have to pack everything at once since you’re not likely to be able to go back and get it in a reasonable time.

One of the items you’ll need to think about is your motorcycle.

In a perfect world, you would be able to ride your bike to your new home! But, very likely, you’re going to find yourself in a situation where you either need to drive your car or take a plane.

So, what exactly are you supposed to do with your motorcycle? Is selling your only option available? The good news is that it is actually fairly easy to move a motorcycle!

Here are some possible solutions that will help you safely transport your bike.

Moving in a truck

If you have a large pickup truck with a flatbed, it is possible to safely secure your motorcycle on it. To do this, all you need to do is get the motorcycle onto the truck and secure it to the truck using tie-down straps. Make sure you use tie-down straps that are specifically meant for motorcycles. These straps can be purchased online or from your local motorcycle retailer.

If you’re traveling a long distance, you’ll also want to cover your motorcycle up with some sort of tarp. This can help prevent debris, such as pebbles or rock, from hitting and damaging your motorcycle.

If you’re planning on renting a pickup truck to move your motorcycle, make sure that the moving company will allow you to put a motorcycle on the truck. It is also important to note whether the truck can handle the weight of the bike.

Moving in a trailer

Another way to transport your bike is by renting some sort of enclosed trailer or some sort of utility trailer. Trailers are some of the safest ways to transport motorcycles long distances. This is because the trailer can be attached to your moving truck or to another vehicle. They also sit lower to the ground than flatbed trucks, which makes getting the motorcycle onto the trailer easier. 

No matter if you’re using an enclosed trailer or a utility trailer, you’ll want to use motorcycle tie-down straps to secure the bike to the trailer. If using a utility trailer, you should consider covering your motorcycle with a protective tarp.

Some moving companies may even have specific trailers that are meant just to transport motorcycles. If you’re working with a company for your move, ask them for their recommendations. You’re not the only one who has ever had to transport a motorcycle!

Using a transport serviceTransport puncture flat tyre GT10009

Another safe way to transport your motorcycle during a move is to hire a transport service. Some companies specialize in moving motorcycles.

Most companies will help you figure out a way to safely ship your motorcycle to your new home. Other companies may use trailers to tow your motorcycle. Another benefit of using a transport service is that most of them offer some sort of insurance. If your bike is damaged in the move, they’ll cover the costs.

These transport services are specially trained to transport motorcycles safely. Of course, you’ll still want to do your research before committing to one. Make sure to check several websites, get quotes, read reviews, and talk to representatives.

While using a transport service can be expensive, this is one of the best ways to transport your bike.

Move it on a jet ski trailer

If you’re in a pinch, you can also use jet ski trailers to transport motorcycles. Most jet ski trailers don’t have a supportive floor, so you’ll need to get creative and build a wooden floor for your motorcycle to rest on. This will allow you to strap your motorcycle down in a similar way that you would if using a traditional trailer.

You’ll also want to make sure the trailer itself can handle the weight of the bike. If the jet ski trailer is too lightweight, the weight of your bike could cause the trailer to bounce around too much.

You should really only consider a jet ski trailer as the last resource. However, if you really love jet skiing, you’ll at least be able to use it again in the future. Make sure to check out this ultimate jet ski accessory guide to learn about other jet ski accessories.

Getting bike on to truck or trailer

If you do decide to move forward with using a truck or trailer, you’re going to have to figure out a way to safely move the bike onto the bed.

Most trailers will already have some sort of ramp. Some ramps will allow you to wheel your motorcycle onto the trailer, while other ramps might lift the bike onto the bed.

Trucks are a little more challenging. You’ll want to make your own ramp out of wood to get the motorcycle onto the bed. Take your time when moving a motorcycle onto a truck. Of course, once you have the motorcycle on the truck or trailer, you’ll want to use the tie-down straps to safely secure the bike before moving the vehicle.

Final thoughts

If you’re planning a long-distance move, now is the time to start considering how you’re going to move your motorcycle.

If you feel comfortable transporting your motorcycle by yourself, consider whether or not your truck can handle the weight or if you would need to buy/rent a trailer.

If you’re not comfortable with transporting the motorcycle by yourself, look into a professional transport service. They will handle the logistics for you so that you can remain focused on other aspects of the move.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com